
CES Council:

Robert Eric Shoemaker, Outgoing Artistic Director

Robert Eric Shoemaker is a Chicago based director, playwright, dramaturge, and journalist. Eric’s work has been staged at American Theater Company, Horizon Theater Company, and Mary-Arrchie Theatre Company and featured in student publications including Memoryhouse Magazine; he was twice awarded University of Chicago Arts Council Grants for original scripts. Eric is Play Advisor for 3 Brothers Theater’s New Works Series; Founding Artistic Director of The Ta Pyra Ensemble, a Kentucky troupe with which he has debuted some of his stage plays; and Artistic Director of the Classical Entertainment Society at UChicago, with which he has directed multiple original works.

Eric is a fourth-year Theater and Performance Studies Major & Creative Writing Minor at the University of Chicago. Additional credits include assistant directing with Derby Dinner Playhouse, directing What Every Woman Knows and No Exit with Ta Pyra, staged readings with University Theater at the University of Chicago, dramaturgical positions in Chicago Fringe Festival and University Theater, as well as Sound and Props design.

In addition to making theatre, Eric writes for Newcity Stage. Eric’s work in progress includes PLATH/HUGHES, an original musical based on the lives and work of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, and Blood-weddin’, a translation and adaptation of Lorca’s play of similar name, to world-premiere with Classical Entertainment Society in the autumn of 2013.

Eric can help you put together a proposal for CES or for the 2014 CES Fest! Email him, or send him the proposal form found in the margin on our home page.

If you want to learn more about performing or producing with CES or have general information questions, contact Eric at

Rebecca HeadshotRebecca Segall, Artistic Director

 If you want to learn more about producing with CES or general involvement questions, contact Rebecca at



Brett Pepowski, Director of Design

If you are interested in design or tech with CES, or have general questions about proposing and directing with us, contact Brett at

Josh Miller, Director of Marketing

Carlo Steinman, Resident Dramaturg

Carlo Steinman is a third-year Language-Intensive Classics major. He has no idea what he plans to do with this degree, and he is considering a career in (the totally unrelated field of) Urban Planning.  He is a former Marketing and Development Intern at TADA!

Youth Theater and is a spokesperson for Food Allergy Research and Education. He has never acted, but wrote dramatic criticism for his high school paper. Although he used to be called the Classicist, this is Carlo’s second year on the CES Council. Last year, his most proud accomplishment was production managing the inaugural CES Fest.

If you have questions about dramaturgy or academic pursuits within CES, contact Carlo at

David Wray, collaborator for An Iron Bridal Feast

Myra Su, collaborator for An Iron Bridal Feast

Paul Baker, collaborator for Romeo & Juliet

Corinna Christman, collaborator for Romeo & Juliet

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